At UUFN, we recognize that parenting in today’s world comes with unique challenges, and we are here to support families in fostering resilience, connection, and spiritual growth. We believe that spiritual development is a lifelong journey, starting from the very youngest age. Our community is dedicated to creating a welcoming and engaging environment where children, youth, and families can explore Unitarian Universalist values, develop their own spiritual understanding, and build a strong sense of belonging.

We nurture each child's personal spiritual development through a variety of engaging activities:

  • Community Ritual and Storytelling: We create meaningful moments of connection through shared rituals and stories that resonate with all ages.
  • Music and Creative Play: We use music and play as joyful pathways to explore emotions, build connections, and express ourselves creatively.
  • Simple Meditation and Reflection: We introduce age-appropriate practices for mindfulness and quiet reflection, helping children develop inner peace and self-awareness.
Programs for All Ages:
  • Nursery (Infants and Toddlers): We offer a warm and lovingly staffed nursery for our youngest members, providing a safe and nurturing space during services and programs.

  • Sunday Explorations (Kindergarten through 5th Grade): Our Sunday morning program for elementary-aged children focuses on exploring Unitarian Universalist identity, heritage, and the values that guide us. We create a space for children to ask big questions, learn about different faith traditions, and discover how to live their values in the world, all within a supportive community. We're excited to introduce our new Religious Education Coordinator, Audrey McCann. 
    • Visit our Religious Education page to learn more
At-Home Faith Exploration for Kids & Families
If you weren't able to make it to Sunday morning religious education with Audrey, you can still explore y/our Unitarian Universalist faith from home!

Click the dates below to access a version of the lesson that includes links to stories, instructions for activities, and more. 

  • February 23: It's important to remember to love ourselves, too!


Our Commitment to Nurturing
Our goal is to nurture the following in our children and youth:
    • Spiritual Growth: Encouraging exploration and development through diverse practices and traditions, fostering a sense of wonder and awe.
    • Ethical Growth: Supporting children in understanding and living out their values, promoting kindness, compassion, and integrity in their daily lives.
    • Religious Exploration: Expanding their understanding of the rich tapestry of world religions and philosophies, promoting respect for diverse beliefs and paths.
    • Empowerment for Change: Inspiring them to become agents of positive change, working towards a more peaceful, just, and loving world.
    • Unitarian Universalist Identity: Building a strong connection to Unitarian Universalism and a foundation for a lifelong faith journey within our inclusive and welcoming tradition.
Child Dedications
Welcoming Children Into Our Community

Child dedications occur once or twice per year during Sunday worship services.

During a Child Dedication, our congregation joyfully pledges itself to partner with parents and families in the religious upbringing of their children. We promise to support the family as their child grows, offering a nurturing community for their spiritual journey.

Child Dedication is a community event, honoring an intentional and ongoing relationship between families and our religious community. It is a beautiful way to formally welcome children into our faith community and celebrate the commitment of parents to raise their children within Unitarian Universalist values. Children of members and those on the path to membership may be dedicated at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield.

If you are interested in learning more about Child Dedications, please contact Rev. Sara at