March Monthly Theme: The Practice of Trust

We gather both in-person at UUFN and online for Sunday services. Please email for the Sunday Zoom connection info.

March 2nd - 10am | Lisa Ebert

Falling and Learning to Trust and Do

Where do we put our trust? What happens when our trust is broken and we fall? Join Lisa as she explores these questions, and considers what happens when we start to trust in what might be possible, rather than what seems solid.

March 9th - 10am | Brandon Daywater

AI and Amen

Brandon will share his thoughts on the relationships between trust, AI, inclusivity and, of course, amen! All are invited to stay after the service for our Social Justice Team meeting.

March 16th - 10am | Rev. Sara Smalley

Feeling Conflicted: On Anger

Poet Jan Richardson writes, “When anger walks into my life and sits down at my table, I try to remember (eventually) to ask, ‘What is anger trying to tell me?’” Anger can be scary because it is so often used to harm; how might we, as a “gentle, angry people,” use it to heal? Join Rev. Sara for a reflection on anger, because, after all, even Jesus knew sometimes you need to flip some tables.

March 23rd - 10am | Barbara Krause and Ellen Saul

Spring Equinox: A Time for Opening, Deepening, and Trusting the Mystery of Growth and Rebirth

Barbara and Ellen invite you to celebrate the arrival of Spring, leaps of personal growth, and the gifts of interconnection. Experience revelation, release and flow through ritual.

March 30th - 10am | Rev. Sara Smalley

Becoming Trustworthy

What happens when the trust that knits together our relationships and our society becomes frayed? What is our work to do to repair it? We’ll consider what our monthly theme, The Practice of Trust, means for us both as individuals and as a community.