The UUFN Social Justice Committee has three main focus areas: Racial Justice, Climate Justice, and Democracy.
Racial Justice: Dismantling racism and white supremacy is core to the UU belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person and our commitment to justice and equity. Activities include:
Climate Justice: The Social Justice Committee, with membership support, will be considering two organizations that could help channel our congregational interest in climate justice. Green Sanctuary, a Unitarian Universalist Association initiative, and Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, a partnership with faith and spiritual communities devoted to addressing the climate crisis.
Democracy: Along with the UUA, UUFN is proud of our Unitarian Universalist legacy of fighting for democracy and voting rights. Access to the ballot and fair, transparent elections systems are fundamental for all citizens. Activites include:
Our Share the Plate recipient for September is GreenFaith. GreenFaith is building a truly multi-faith climate and environmental movement. They work to create communities that transform ourselves, our spiritual institutions, and society to protect the planet and create a compassionate, loving and just world. UUs across the nation are invited to join this work by supporting GreenFaith this month!
Thank you for giving as you are willing and able.
Along with congregations across the UUA, UUFN has participated in the Side With Love effort since it began in 2009. Each year we host at least one event that seeks to educate our congregation and the larger community on a critical justice issue. UUFN sides with love in the fight for of marriage equality, the movement to ensure that Black Lives Matter, Native American rights, transgender rights, and more. Watch for more info about upcoming events!
Our minister, Rev. Sara, is involved in the reproductive justice movement with other Unitarian Universalists in Minnesota. You can read more about Side With Love's Reproductive Justice campaign here. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that all bodies are sacred. Every person has the right to determine what happens to their own body at all phases of life.
In addition, we host a booth at Northfield's annual Pride in the Park celebration. LGBTQ+ equality is foundational to our faith: Pride, not prejudice. Trans people are divine. Love is love.
Join us by learning more ways you can get involved!
Things We Can Do Now to End Racism in our Community!
Resources on Police Conduct, Race and the Justice System,
Resources for Talking to Kids about Racism and Justice,
Resources on Protest, Social Movements and Community Visions for Racial Justice