July 2024

For the Zoom link for services, please email jwhitson@uunorthfield.org

Sunday, July 7th • 10:00 am
“The Call to Racial Justice from Our Theological Heritage”
Rev. Andrea Johnson

What calls you to work for justice in the world? This sermon will explore both the historical and contemporary call to justice that arises from our Unitarian Universalist theological heritage.

Sunday, July 14th
• 10:00 am
“Singing Our Living Tradition: A Reflection on UU Hymns”
Taylor Wesseln

Come join Taylor Wesseln in an exploration of the tunes we know and love as UUs: how they began and how they came to be the certified “bops” we love to sing each Sunday.

Sunday, July 21st
• 10:00 am
“Considering Spiritual Practices”
Rev. Sara Smalley

In Unitarian Universalism, there is no one right way to be spiritual – or even agreement on what that word means. Whether you meditate regularly or not at all, what does it mean to weave spiritual practices into our everyday lives? This is the first of a two-sermon series, with the second on the spiritual practice of prayer on August 18th.

Sunday, July 28th
• 10:00 am
“How to Be Hopeful in Today’s World: Based on Ideas from
The Book of Hope by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams”
Mairi Doerr and Sue Coleman

Rev. Sofia Betancourt, UUA President, says as UU’s we find hope in community. Jane Goodall, renowned naturalist and author of The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times, agrees with her. Mairi Doerr and Sue Coleman will share insights and stories based on Jane Goodall’s Four Reasons for Hope. Let’s rethink our personal strategies and reasons to have hope.