Every Sunday at 10 AM, we come together—both in person and online—for an hour of renewal, connection, and inspiration. Through music, storytelling, thought-provoking messages, and quiet reflection, we create a shared experience of the sacred.
Our monthly themes guide us beyond Sunday mornings, shaping how we engage with the world throughout the week. Worship here is more than a service—it’s a space for meaning, curiosity, and heartfelt connection. Whether you bring laughter, tears, questions, or quiet contemplation, you are welcome just as you are.
The word worship comes from the Old English weorthscipe—meaning "worth-ship." When we worship together, we reflect on what holds the deepest meaning in our lives. It’s a time to remember who we are, who we strive to become, and how we are called to help heal the world.
Beyond our Sunday gatherings, we come together throughout the year to honor life’s important moments—Solstice, Christmas Eve, memorial services, weddings, transgender naming affirmations, child dedications, and more.
In times of loss, we believe that grief shared is grief softened. In moments of celebration, joy shared is joy amplified. If you are navigating a significant life event and seeking spiritual support, we encourage you to reach out to Rev. Sara to explore how our community can support you.