What are we hoping to build?

We have been hoping to build an addition on our building which would give us a new sanctuary, social space, a real kitchen and room for Religious Education classrooms.  However, the cost of all of this is beyond our capability, given the recent rise in building costs.  Now we are looking at a more modest project that we could do now, leaving the rest of the dream for later.  We are hoping that this would allow us to meet our most pressing needs quickly. Those top needs are more dedicated space for children, making coffee without carrying it upstairs, having an accessible office for our minister, and taking a little of the pressure off our combined social and sanctuary space.  This will be phase one and sometime later we will tackle the larger project.  To see visuals of the design, see the tab called "Design Documents"

How would we pay for a building addition?

The congregation could voted on March 10 to have a capital campaign. Members and friends would be asked to make a special pledge over three years to be used for the building project.  Once we know how much money has been pledged and when we have an actual bid from a contractor based on architectural design, we will know how much money we need.  It is possible that we could need to borrow either short or long term funds to be able to build sooner rather than later.

Would we have a mortgage?

The congregation could vote to take on a mortgage to help pay for the project.  However that mortgage could not be so large that it would interfere with our ability to meet other needs in our budget.  Thus the major portion of the project needs to be paid with special pledges.

What is the timeline?
See the tab that has details on the history, post-pandemic restart and the upcoming timeline.  The campaign will launch on April 7.


Who decides to have a capital campaign?

The congregation decided on March 10 to have a capital campaign.  

How would we know how much money we would have for a building project?

We won't know for sure until we receive pledges of support.  Therefore we can't finalize any decision to build until we know what we have.

How does a capital campaign work with an annual pledge campaign?

Every spring we ask our members for a pledge of annual support for UUFN.  At the same time we would ask members for a special pledge for the building project.

Can we do part of the work ourselves?

We would hire a contractor to erect the building addition.  However, it is possible that we would decide to leave some part unfinished and finish it with congregational effort.

I don't have much money to give. How could we possibly afford a building addition?

People's ability to give varies tremendously.  Some people have the ability to give a major gift.  Others can think about an amount that would be comfortable for them to give monthly for three years.   If we all do what we can, it adds up.  See the Capital Campaign tab of this website for the Gifts Table to see the range of gifts we would need.

What if we raise more money than we need for the project?

The congregation could decide to proceed with additional projects – build a finished or unfinished basement under the addition and/or altering our chancel stage to provide handicap accessibility and additional room for seating for our growing congregation.  

Any money raised in the capital campaign would be devoted solely to building projects that the congregation decides to undertake.

Can I make my gift privately?

The visiting stewards will bring your pledge forms. You can fill them out and insert them into a privacy envelope. The conversation will not involve discussion of the amount of your pledge. Rather it is an invitation to make the annual and capital pledges that are right for you and your circumstances.


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